KS336-Propan-2-ol, 65 mL

Drop by drop to your result: Our drop test bottles are easy to squeeze and secure your test results with reproducible drop sizes of selected chemicals.  They are manufactured with materials that meet the highest quality standards.


Part Number 56L033665

65 mL

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Información sobre el producto

Parámetro y rango Número del método Dispositivos
Poliacrilato L 1 - 30 mg/L Polyacryl M338 MD 100 agua de caldera
MD 100 refrigerante
MD 110 agua de caldera
MD 110 refrigerante
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Instrucciones Método único M338 - Poliacrilato L Procedimiento Método único PDF (2.52 MB)
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KS336 - Propan-2-ol_Iso-Propyl Alcohol