Testkit multiparamétrico

Pruebas rápidas versátiles para una amplia gama de aplicaciones

  • Manipulación sencilla
  • Dosificación de reactivos sencilla
  • Durabilidad mínima de 5 o 10 años de las tabletas de reactivo
  • Alta precisión de los análisis

Los kits de análisis del Comparator CHECKIT® son kits de análisis precisos y fáciles de utilizar para análisis de agua. Simplemente introduzca el reactivo en la cubeta, gire el disco hasta que el color se corresponda con la muestra de agua preparada y lea el valor de concentración.



  • Agua de caldera
  • Agua de refrigeración
  • Control de aguas de piscina
  • Control de desinfección
  • Tratamiento de aguas residuales
Título Parámetro y rango Referencia No Agregar al carrito de cotizaciones
Lovibond® test kits are ready to use for analysis, determination and control – for a wide range of applications and parameters and for individual instruments.
Cloro LR T 0 - 1 mg/L Cl2
Valor de pH T 6.5 - 8.4
Lovibond® test kits are ready to use for analysis, determination and control – for a wide range of applications and parameters and for individual instruments.
Cloro LR T 0 - 1 mg/L Cl2
Valor de pH T 6.5 - 8.4
Lovibond® test kits are ready to use for analysis, determination and control – for a wide range of applications and parameters and for individual instruments.
Cloro MR T 0 - 2 mg/L Cl2
Valor de pH T 6.5 - 8.4
Lovibond® test kits are ready to use for analysis, determination and control – for a wide range of applications and parameters and for individual instruments.
Cloro MR T 0 - 2 mg/L Cl2
Valor de pH T 6.5 - 8.4
Lovibond® test kits are ready to use for analysis, determination and control – for a wide range of applications and parameters and for individual instruments.
Cloro HR T 0 - 4 mg/L Cl2
Valor de pH T 6.5 - 8.4
Lovibond® test kits are ready to use for analysis, determination and control – for a wide range of applications and parameters and for individual instruments.
Cloro HR T 0 - 4 mg/L Cl2
Valor de pH T 6.5 - 8.4
Lovibond® test kits are ready to use for analysis, determination and control – for a wide range of applications and parameters and for individual instruments.
Cobre LR T 0 - 1 mg/L Cu**
Valor de pH T 6.5 - 8.4
Lovibond® test kits are ready to use for analysis, determination and control – for a wide range of applications and parameters and for individual instruments.
Bromo T 0 - 5 mg/L Br2
Valor de pH T 6.5 - 8.4
Lovibond® test kits are ready to use for analysis, determination and control – for a wide range of applications and parameters and for individual instruments.
Ácido cianúrico 20 - 200 mg/L CyA
Alcalinidad-m 20 - 800 mg/L CaCO3
Cloro HR T 0 - 4 mg/L Cl2
Dureza calcio 20 - 800 mg/L CaCO3
Valor de pH T 6.5 - 8.4