SensoDirect 110

For water analysis in laboratories or mobile

  • Gran exactitud en la medición
  • Peso reducido
  • Armazón de protección
  • Indicación digital

Instrumento de medición manual de alta calidad de funcionamiento a pilas para la determinación del pH, el contenido de sal y la conductividad.
De uso versátil y manejo intuitivo



  • Agua de caldera
  • Agua de refrigeración
  • Control de aguas de piscina
  • Tratamiento de aguas potables
  • Tratamiento de aguas residuales
Título Parámetro y rango Referencia No Agregar al carrito de cotizaciones
Electrochemical measurement instruments for reliable and fast determination. Especially on site, these cope with any environment, are portable and easy to use. 
pH 0 - 14 721310
Electrochemical measurement instruments for reliable and fast determination. Especially on site, these cope with any environment, are portable and easy to use. 
pH 0 - 14 721300
Electrochemical measurement instruments for reliable and fast determination. Especially on site, these cope with any environment, are portable and easy to use. 
Conductivity 0.001 - 1.999 mS/cm
Conductivity 0.01 - 19.99 mS/cm
Electrochemical measurement instruments for reliable and fast determination. Especially on site, these cope with any environment, are portable and easy to use. 
Conductivity 0.001 - 1.999 mS/cm
Conductivity 0.01 - 19.99 mS/cm
Electrochemical measurement instruments for reliable and fast determination. Especially on site, these cope with any environment, are portable and easy to use. 
Salinity 0 - 10 % 723300