DPD No.1 高钙

For chlorine determination in water with high calcium hardness

  • 最高精度
  • 操作简单
  • 精确计量
  • 巨大的耐久性



标题 包装单位 货号 报价车
The tablet form is the most popular indicator system because it is safe and easy to handle. it can be dosed precisely, has a long shelf life and is safe to use
片剂 / 100 515740BT
The tablet form is the most popular indicator system because it is safe and easy to handle. it can be dosed precisely, has a long shelf life and is safe to use
片剂 / 250 515741BT
The tablet form is the most popular indicator system because it is safe and easy to handle. it can be dosed precisely, has a long shelf life and is safe to use
片剂 / 500 515742BT
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DPD No. 1 High Calcium