MD 100 Fotometer

Nauwkeurige watercontrole in een ergonomisch ontwerp

  • Compacte afmetingen en ergonomisch ontwerp voor mobiele toepassingen
  • Ontwerp zonder bewegende delen
  • Grote en gemakkelijk af te lezen display
  • Sectorspecifieke parametercombinaties beschikbaar

Met de MD 100 fotometer kunt u met één enkel instrument tot 14 parameters bepalen.

Het instrument heeft een eenvoudige gebruikersinterface en is ontworpen voor gebruik "in het veld" en voor mobiele toepassingen. Met de beschikbare branchespecifieke versies kunt u alle relevante parameters testen.



  • Afvalwaterzuivering
  • Behandeling drinkwater
  • Controle desinfecteermiddel
  • Controle zwembadwater
  • Galvanisering
  • Ketelwater
  • Koelwater
  • Zuivering vervuild water
Aantal parameters Omschrijving Parameters en bereik Bestelnr. Offertewagen
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with aluminium reagent tablets.
Aluminium PP 0.01 - 0.25 mg/L Al
Aluminium T 0.01 - 0.3 mg/L Al
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with aluminium powder reagent.
Aluminium PP 0.01 - 0.25 mg/L Al
Aluminium T 0.01 - 0.3 mg/L Al
LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with ammonium reagent tablets.
Ammonium PP 0.01 - 0.8 mg/L N
Ammonium T 0.02 - 1 mg/L N
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with ammonium powder reagent.
Ammonium PP 0.01 - 0.8 mg/L N
Ammonium T 0.02 - 1 mg/L N
LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with chlorine reagent tablets.
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. The measurement is carried out with chlorine liquid reagent.
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for different types of chlorine.
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor PP 0.02 - 2 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. Powder reagents determine different types of chlorine.
Chloor PP 0.02 - 2 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlorine HR PP 0.1 - 8 mg/L Cl2 a)
LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with powder reagent.
Chloor PP 0.02 - 2 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlorine HR PP 0.1 - 8 mg/L Cl2 a)
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for HR chlorine.
Chloor HR (KI) T 5 - 200 mg/L Cl2 276170
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is carried out with chlorine dioxide reagent tablets.
Chloordioxide PP 0.04 - 3.8 mg/L ClO2
Chloordioxide T 0.02 - 11 mg/L ClO2
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with powder reagents for chlorine dioxide.
Chloordioxide PP 0.04 - 3.8 mg/L ClO2
Chloordioxide T 0.02 - 11 mg/L ClO2
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with chloride reagent tablets.
Chloride T 0.5 - 25 mg/L Cl-
Chloride T 5 - 250 mg/L Cl- i)
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tube tests for COD.
CZV HR TT 200 - 15000 mg/L CODb)
CZV LMR TT 15 - 300 mg/L CODb)
CZV LR TT 3 - 150 mg/L CODb)
CZV MR TT 20 - 1500 mg/L CODb)
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with iron reagent tablets.
IJzer (TPTZ) PP 0.02 - 1.8 mg/L Fe
IJzer PP 0.02 - 3 mg/L Feg)
IJzer T 0.02 - 1 mg/L Fe
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with powder reagents for iron TPTZ.
IJzer (TPTZ) PP 0.02 - 1.8 mg/L Fe
IJzer PP 0.02 - 3 mg/L Feg)
IJzer T 0.02 - 1 mg/L Fe
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with iron powder reagent.
IJzer (TPTZ) PP 0.02 - 1.8 mg/L Fe
IJzer PP 0.02 - 3 mg/L Feg)
IJzer T 0.02 - 1 mg/L Fe
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic memory.
Fluoride L 0.05 - 2 mg/L F- 276090
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for total hardness.
Totale hardheid HR T 20 - 500 mg/L CaCO3 i)
Totale hardheid T 2 - 50 mg/L CaCO3
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for urea.
Ureum T 0.1 - 2.5 mg/L Urea
Ureum T 0.2 - 5 mg/L Ureai)
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters and automatic storage. No reagent is required for the Hazen/A.P.H.A. check.
Hazen 24 10 - 500 mg/L Pt 276160
LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for copper.
Koper PP 0.05 - 5 mg/L Cu
Koper T 0.05 - 5 mg/L Cua)
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with copper powder reagent.
Koper PP 0.05 - 5 mg/L Cu
Koper T 0.05 - 5 mg/L Cua)
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for manganese LR.
Mangaan HR PP 0.1 - 18 mg/L Mn
Mangaan LR PP 0.01 - 0.7 mg/L Mn
Mangaan T 0.2 - 4 mg/L Mn
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter and automatic storage. The measurement is performed with manganese LR powder reagent.
Mangaan HR PP 0.1 - 18 mg/L Mn
Mangaan LR PP 0.01 - 0.7 mg/L Mn
Mangaan T 0.2 - 4 mg/L Mn
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent powder for manganese HR.
Mangaan HR PP 0.1 - 18 mg/L Mn
Mangaan LR PP 0.01 - 0.7 mg/L Mn
Mangaan T 0.2 - 4 mg/L Mn
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The molybdenum measurement is performed with reagent tablets and powders.
Molybdate HR PP 0.3 - 40 mg/L Mo
Molybdate LR PP 0.03 - 3 mg/L Mo
Molybdate T 0.6 - 50 mg/L MoO4
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent powder for molybdenum HR.
Molybdate HR PP 0.3 - 40 mg/L Mo
Molybdate LR PP 0.03 - 3 mg/L Mo
Molybdate T 0.6 - 50 mg/L MoO4
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The molybdenum measurement is performed with tablet reagents.
Molybdate HR PP 0.3 - 40 mg/L Mo
Molybdate LR PP 0.03 - 3 mg/L Mo
Molybdate T 0.6 - 50 mg/L MoO4
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for phosphate.
Fosfaat LR T 0.02 - 1.3 mg/L P
Fosfaat PP 0.02 - 0.8 mg/L P
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The phosphate measurement is performed with powder reagent.
Fosfaat LR T 0.02 - 1.3 mg/L P
Fosfaat PP 0.02 - 0.8 mg/L P
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for silicate.
Silicaat HR PP 1 - 90 mg/L SiO2
Silicaat LR PP 0.1 - 1.6 mg/L SiO2
Silicaat T 0.05 - 4 mg/L SiO2
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The silicate LR measurement is performed with powder reagent.
Silicaat HR PP 1 - 90 mg/L SiO2
Silicaat LR PP 0.1 - 1.6 mg/L SiO2
Silicaat T 0.05 - 4 mg/L SiO2
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with powder reagent for silicate HR.
Silicaat HR PP 1 - 90 mg/L SiO2
Silicaat LR PP 0.1 - 1.6 mg/L SiO2
Silicaat T 0.05 - 4 mg/L SiO2
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage. No reagent is necessary for the measurement.
Zwevende Vaste stoffen 24 10 - 750 mg/L TSS 276150
LEDs, interference filters, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for chlorine and pH.
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The chlorine/pH measurement is carried out with liquid reagents.
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The chlorine measurement is carried out with powder reagents.
Chloor PP 0.02 - 2 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chlorine HR PP 0.1 - 8 mg/L Cl2 a)
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for chlorine, pH and cyanuric acid.
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/L CyA
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The chlorine/pH measurement is performed with liquid reagents.
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/L CyA
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with reagent tablets for chlorine, pH and alkalinity-m.
Alkaliteit-m T 5 - 200 mg/L CaCO3
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. The measurement is performed with liquid reagents.
Alkaliteit-m T 5 - 200 mg/L CaCO3
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer works with tablet reagents for chlorine LR, chlorine HR and chlorine dioxide.
Chloordioxide T 0.02 - 11 mg/L ClO2
Chloor HR (KI) T 5 - 200 mg/L Cl2
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
The mobile photometer works with LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage. Chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m.
Alkaliteit-m T 5 - 200 mg/L CaCO3
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/L CyA
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures chlorine and pH (liquid), cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m.
Alkaliteit-m T 5 - 200 mg/L CaCO3
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/L CyA
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures chlorine DUO, chlorine, pH, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness.
Alkaliteit-m T 5 - 200 mg/L CaCO3
Chloor HR (KI) T 5 - 200 mg/L Cl2
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor MR PP 0.02 - 3.5 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Hardheid Calcium 2T 20 - 500 mg/L CaCO3
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures chlorine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness.
Alkaliteit-m T 5 - 200 mg/L CaCO3
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/L CyA
Hardheid Calcium 2T 20 - 500 mg/L CaCO3
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures chlorine, bromine, pH, cyanuric acid, alkalinity-m, calcium hardness.
Alkaliteit-m T 5 - 200 mg/L CaCO3
Broom T 0.05 - 13 mg/L Br2
Chloor HR T 0.1 - 10 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor L 0.02 - 4.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
Chloor T 0.01 - 6.0 mg/L Cl2 a)
CyA T 10 - 160 mg/L CyA
Hardheid Calcium 2T 20 - 500 mg/L CaCO3
pH-waarde L 6.5 - 8.4
pH-waarde T 6.5 - 8.4
Boiler Water
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures 10 parameters from aluminium to silicate.
Aluminium PP 0.01 - 0.25 mg/L Al
Chloride L (B) 0.5 - 20 mg/L Cl-
DEHA PP 0.02 - 0.5 mg/L DEHA
Fosfaat HR L 5 - 80 mg/L PO4
Hydrazine P 0.05 - 0.5 mg/L N2H4
IJzer LR L (A) 0.03 - 2 mg/L Fe
Koper T 0.05 - 5 mg/L Cua)
Opgeloste zuurstof C 10 - 800 µg/L O2 c)
Polyacrylaten L 1 - 30 mg/L Polyacryl
Silicaat HR PP 1 - 90 mg/L SiO2
Cooling Water
LEDs, interference filter, automatic storage: The mobile and ergonomic photometer measures 10 parameters from aluminium to zinc.
16 Parameters 276240
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