Maple Syrup (USDA)

Colour scales for grading Maple Syrup.

Lovibond® disc 299520 containing three grades: light, medium and dark amber. USDA approved. To be used with a W680/OG 33mm fused optical cell and a Lovibond® Comparator.

Also available is disc 299370 with four colour standards: extra clear to dark amber as per Canadian specifications. To be used with a W680/OG 10mm fused optical cell and a Lovibond® Comparator.

Lovibond®disc 299180 containing five grades: Fancy Grade; Grade A; Medium Amber; Grade A Dark Amber; Grade B; according to the Vermont specifications for Maple Syrup colour. To be used with a W680/OG 33mm fused optical cell and a Lovibond® Comparator.


  • Food and Beverage
  • Sugar Solutions, Syrups and Honey